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strongly nerved more than half way; basal areolæ opaque minute; caps. oblong cernuous; lid roundish, with a long pointed beak: dioicous.

Shady limestone rocks and roots of trees. XII.

456. H. (Eurynchium) striatum. Hedw. Much larger than the last in all its parts; stems loosely tufted, arched, sub-pinnate; branches drooping; l. gradually tapering from a broad cordate base, almost squarrose, serrate, striate, nerved more than half way; caps. almost cylindrical, curved, cernuous; lid large, with a long slender curved beak: dioicous.

Woods and shady banks. XII.

2. Seta rough.

457. H. (Eurynchium) crassinervium. Tayl. St. creeping, branches erect; l. spreading ovate, sharply pointed serrate concave, margin reflexed, nerve thick, reaching more than half way, sometimes forked: caps. elliptic-oblong small curved, cernuous; lid large, with a very long slender oblique beak; dioicous.

Shady limestone rocks. XI.

458. H. (Eurynchium) piliferum. Vaill. St. 2-3in. slender, procumbent, branched; l. imbricate erecto-patent, elliptical serrulate, suddenly contracted into a long serrulate, almost piliferous point, concave, nerved half way; caps. oblong cernuous, slightly arcuate, lid with a long beak.

Shady banks and woods. Fr. rare. XI.

459. H. (Eurynchium) cirrhosum. Schwg. Stems erect or procumbent, with a few erect branches; l. imbricate