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squarrose, broadly cordate-acuminate, slightly striate; br. l. less spreading, sub-secund, roundish-ovate, less acuminate; all sharply serrate and mostly two-nerved at base, or nerveless; per. l. almost erect, much narrower; caps. ovate-oblong, curved, cernuous, on a rough seta: dioicous.

Moist shady rocks by cascades, &c. X. XI.

Sub-genus VIII. Rhynchostegium. Plants low cæspitose, with scattered branches; l. soft, shining, nerveless or simply nerved; areolæ elongate, narrowly hexagono-rhomboid; caps. horizontal cernuous; lid with a subulate beak.

a. Demissæ. St. prostrate, l. complanate, oblong-lanceolate, nerveless, entire; caps. thin walled; seta smooth: monoicous.

467. H. (Rhynchostegium) demissum. Wils. St. filiform; br. short slender: l. elliptic-lanceolate, acute, sub-*secund above, margin reflexed; caps. small, narrowly elliptical, horizontal cernuous; lid obliquely rostrate.

Shady mountainous rocks. VII. VIII.

b. Tenellæ. st. creeping; l. narrowly lanceolate, caps. solid walled, seta rough or smooth: monoicous.

468. H. (Rhynchostegium) tenellum. Dicks. St. and br. very short creeping; l. erecto-patent, narrowly lanceolate acuminate, almost setaceous, light green, entire, nerved more than half-way; caps. ovate cernuous, on a smooth seta; lid beaked.

Walls and rocks, principally limestone. X.