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Sub-genus X. Plagiothecium. St. generally prostrate, or partially erect, branched; l. complanate or secund, thin, silky, nerveless or shortly two-nerved; areolæ long hexagono-rhomboid; caps. sub-erect or cernuous, more or less incurved; lid convexo-conical or rostrate; per. teeth pale thin, internal a membrane with narrowish processes; cilia none or obscure.

A. Per. teeth distantly articulate, without cilia: dioicous.

476. H. (Plagiothecium) latebricola. Bry. Eur. (Leskea, Bry. Brit.) St. short, slender, sparsely branched, sub-erect; l. sub-secund ovate-lanceolate, tapering acute, entire, slightly concave, decurrent, faintly two-nerved; margin recurved; caps. elliptic-oblong, turbinate when dry; lid short, acutely conical.

Moist shady woods, decaying trunks, and ferns. Winter.

B. Per. teeth densely articulate, internal with entire ciliary processes.

a. Monoicous.

477. H. (Plagiothecium) pulchellum. Dicks. St. short densely tufted, sub-erect, br. fastigiate; l. crowded, secund, lanceolate, gradually tapering from base to apex, entire, generally nerveless; caps. oblong, sub-erect, curved; lid conical, scarcely beaked.

Mountainous shady rocks, &c. VI.—X.

478. H. (Plagiothecium) Mühlenbeckii. B. &. S. St. short, tufted, sub-erect, with recurved fasciculate branches; l. complanate, spreading, deltoid-ovate or sub-cordate,