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500. H. Sendtneri. Schpr. (H. aduncum, ε hamatum and ζ giganteum, Bry. Eur.) St. 3-6in. simple, pinnate; l. falcato-secund, broadly oblong lanceolate, hooked above, distinctly auricled at sub-decurrent angles, glossy, lightly sulcate only when dry, nerve vanishing below apex; basal cells rectangular, hyaline, yellowish, at angles brownish-yellow lax; caps. ovate-oblong, erect at base, arcuate.

Bogs. Scotland, and near Birmingham.

var. β. Wilsoni. St. very tall, sometimes 1ft., yellow green, with slender, nearly simple branches; l. larger, with a filiform acumen, auricles very small.

501. H. vernicosum. Lindb. 1861. (H. pellucidum, Wils. MS.; H. aduncum, var. tenue, Bry. Brit.) St. erect, rather rigid, pinnate; l. shorter falcato-secund, the apical ones involute, ovate, oblong-lanceolate, distinctly sulcate, neither auricled nor decurrent, very glossy, yellow green, nerve vanishing far below apex; cells very narrow, vermicular, purplish at base; caps. oblong cernuous, arcuate.

Wybunbury Bog, Cheshire.

502. H. intermedium. Lindb. (H. Cossoni, Schpr.) In habit like H. Sendtneri, var. β. St. elongate, flexuoso-erect, interruptedly pinnate; branches very unequal; l. falcato-secund, ovate-oblong, becoming lanceolate, not furrowed, with minute decurrent auricles, nerve vanishing far below apex; cells very narrow vermicular opaque; outer per. l. squarrose; fr. as in Sendtneri.

Bogs, frequent.