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516. H. Bambergeri. B. & S. Rather small dense tufts, yellowish green above, passing to yellow-fuscous at base; st. without radicles or villi, sub-pinnate, br. few fastigiate; l. densely crowded secund, strongly circinnate, ovate-lanceolate elongate, entire, with a long point, faintly two-nerved, one usually larger than the other; alar cells few, rather obscure, yellow, upper linear elongate; fr. not known.

Near summit of Ben Lawers, July, 1867 (Dr. Fraser).

517. H. imponens. Hedw. Cæspitose, sub-pinnate, l. imbricate, circinnate secund, filiform from a broad ovate-oblong base, margin reflexed below, and minutely serrate, obsoletely two-nerved; br. l. much narrower, and at apex of br. convolute, and hamato-incurved; per. l. nerveless filiform flexuose apiculate; caps. sub-erect cylindrical incurved; lid convexo-conical, acutely pointed yellowish, annulus broad. [Bry. Eur. vi., 597. Schp. Syn. 625.]

Woods and stony ground. Autumn.

Reigate Heath (Mr. Mitten), 1864.

518. H. cupressiforme. Dill. St. about 1in. procumbent; l. falcato-secund, pointing downwards, sharply acuminate from an ovate-lanceolate base, slightly serrulate, nerveless or faintly two-nerved; per. l. erect, almost piliferous; caps. sub-cylindrical cernuous, curved, lid conical, cuspidate.

Walls, rocks, trunks of trees, &c. XI. XII.

var. β. compressum. st. slender pinnate, reddish, with compressed foliage; l. pale green, serrulate at apex; seta long slender; caps. short, elliptic oblong.

γ. minus. pinnate; br. slender: l. narrow, falcate serrulate, margin recurved, caps. small erect. Trunks of trees.