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British Bees; an Introduction to the Study of the Natural History and Economy of the Bees Indigenous to the British Isles. BY W. E. Shuckard. Crown 8vo, 16 Coloured Steel Plates, containing nearly 100 Figures, engraved from Natural Specimens, expressly for the work, by E. W. Robinson, and Woodcuts of Dissections, 10s. 6d.

British Butterflies and Moths; an Introduction to the Study of our Native Lepidoptera. By H. T. Stainton. Crown 8vo, 16 Coloured Steel Plates, containing Figures of 100 Species, engraved from Natural Specimens expressly for the work by E. W. Robinson, and Wood-Engravings, 10s. 6d.

British Spiders; an Introduction to the Study of the Araneidæ found in Great Britain and Ireland. By E. F. Staveley. Crown 8vo, 16 Plates, containing Coloured Figures of nearly 100 Species, and 40 Diagrams, showing the number and position of the eyes in various Genera, drawn expressly for the work by Tuffen West, and 44 Wood-Engravings, 10s. 6d.

Curtis's British Entomology. Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, containing Coloured Figures, from Nature, of the most rare and beautiful Species, and, in many instances, upon the plants on which they are found. 8 vols. Royal 8vo, 770 coloured Plates, £21.

Or in separate Monographs.

 Orders. Plates. £ s. d. Orders. Plates. £ s. d. Aphaniptera 2 0 2 0 Hymenoptera 125 4 0 0 Coleoptera 256 8 0 0 Lepidoptera 193 6 0 0 Dermaptera 1 0 1 0 Neuroptera 13 0 9 0 Dictyoptera 1 0 1 0 Omaloptera 6 0 4 6 Diptera 103 3 5 0 Orthoptera 5 0 4 0 Hemiptera 32 1 1 0 Strepsiptera 3 0 2 6 Homoptera 21 0 14 0 Trichoptera 9 0 6 6

"Curtis's Entomology," which Cuvier pronounced to have "reached the ultimatum of perfection," is still the standard work on the Genera of British Insects. The Figures executed by the author himself, with wonderful minuteness and accuracy, have never been surpassed, even if equalled. The price at which the work was originally published was £43 16s.