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sheathing; caps. erect obovate or elliptical; lid with a long oblique beak.

Subalpine rocks. VI.

16. DICRANUM. Hedw.

a. (Dicranella. Schimp.)

Sect. I. Stem long, rooting in all parts; leaves spreading flexuose, papillose on both sides, crenulate in margin, not nerved to apex; infl. monoicous; beak of lid shorter than caps.

71. D. polycarpum. Ehr. L. bent, flexuose, often recurved, lanceolate-subulate or linear-lanceolate, keeled, margin recurved, somewhat papillose, denticulate at apex, nerve excurrent; caps. erect, symmetrical, striated, with a tumid neck.

Alpine rocks. VII. VIII.

var. β. strumiferum. caps. unequal, base strumose.

Sect. II. St. rooting in all parts, leafy; l. spreading, nerve slightly excurrent; infl. monoicous; caps. strumose.

72. D. virens. Hedw. St. 1-3in. branched; l. erect ovate-lanceolate at base, sheathing, running to a long sub-denticulate, almost setaceous prolongation, margins recurved, nerve thick sub-excurrent; caps. cernuous strumose smooth oblong and curved; lid beaked.

Moist alpine rocks; Ben Lawers. VI. VII.

var. β. Wahlenbergii. l. flexuose, much attenuated, above narrower and longer, yellowish; caps. short, with a very prominent struma.