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[The diagnoses of species are taken from Dr. Braithwaite's Paper in Jour. of Bot. VIII., pp. 386-393.]

a. Leaves hoary at point.

103. C. atrovirens. De Not. (C. longipilus. Brid. pro parte: Wils. Bry. Brit.; et Schimp. Musc. Eur. Nov.) Dense tufts 1-3in. high, above yellowish green, below brownish, at base black. Stem erect, dichotomous, with few radicles at base; l. lower, lax, shorter, the rest densely crowded, erecto-patent, lanceolate, very longly subulato-setaceous, channelled below, auricled; nerve excurrent into a hoary hispid arista, channelled at back, one-third width of leaf base; cells of auricles dilated, castaneous, central colorless, above these sub-rectangular, uppermost oblongo-elliptic. Fem. fl. 2. 3 at apex of innovations.

Wet rocks, and moorlands in mountainous districts.

E. S. & I.

104. C. brevipilus. B. & S. In dense broad tufts, when dry glossy yellow green above, fuscescent below, 3/4-[1-1/4] in. high, almost free from radicles, fastigiate; l. erect densely crowded, narrowly lanceolate-subulate, very concave, the point denticulate at margin and back, not auricled; nerve one-third width of leaf base excurrent into a short hair point; per. l. wider sheathing, narrowed into a hispid hair, margin recurved above base. Areolæ lax; basal cells quadrate, above rhomboidal flexuose, marginal very narrow; fem. fl. solitary.

Heathy places. Sussex, Hants, Cheshire, York, Arran.

105. C. introflexus. Brid. (C. longipilus. Bry. Eur. pro parte. C. polytrichoides. De Not. D. ericetorum. Mitt.)