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§ § St. very short, not radiculose.

115. C. brevifolius. Schpr. St. 1/2in. yellowish green, with caducous ramuli. L. short rigid erect lanceolate, longly acuminate, concave, obsoletely toothed at apex. Nerve half base; basal areolæ hyaline lax rectangular, gradually shorter and more quadrate, lower ones with their transverse walls much thickened.

Dry and stony places. Scotland.

21. POTTIA. Ehrh.

116. P. pusilla. Hedw. (P. cavifolia. Ehr.) St. very short and simple or branched; l. erecto-patent concave, obovate or elliptical; caps. oval, on a short seta; lid obliquely rostrate.

Banks and mud walls. III.

var. β. stem short, l. somewhat acuminate, scarcely piliferous.

γ. incana. N. & H. l. with long hair-like points.

117. P. minutula. B. & S. Very minute, l. carinate, spreading, ovate-lanceolate, with recurved margins; caps. small, ovate-truncate; lid flattish conical, not beaked.

Fallow fields. Winter and Spring.

var. β. rufescens. l. narrower reddish.

γ. conica. l. ovate-lanceolate, with a short mucro, caps. narrower at mouth.

118. P. truncatula. L. St. 1/8in., l. spreading obovate-acuminate or oblong lanceolate, with a slightly excurrent