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leaves reddish, upper dull green, all oblong-lanceolate, spreading, margin recurved, keeled, nerved nearly to apex; caps. pale brown, cylindrical; lid with a short oblique beak; antheridia naked in axils of per. l.

Shady walls, rocks, &c. X.

132. D. Jenneri. Schp. St. 1-[1-1/2]in. cæspitose, brownish black below; br. fastigiate; l. spreading cirrhate linear-lanceolate concave, keeled, serrate, nerved to apex; areolæ minute rectangular transparent at base; caps. oval oblong, slightly drooping, lid with a short obtuse beak.

Ross-shire (Jenner and Howie). [Referred by Wilson, and others, to Cynodontium polycarpon.]

2. Dioicous.

a. L. lanceolate, rigid.

133. D. luridus. Hornsch. St. 1/4-1in. cæspitose; l., lower ovate-lanceolate, upper larger and broader, with entire recurved margins, keeled, acute, nerved (reddish) almost or quite to apex, areolæ small roundish; caps. symmetrical oblong on a shortish seta twisted to the right; lid conical pointed; per. teeth small irregular.

Limestone walls, &c., rare. XII.

b. L. narrow, not rigid.

134. D. cylindricus. B. & S. 1/4-1in.; l. spreading flexuose, linear-lanceolate, margin undulate and minutely crenulate; areolæ small opaque, gradually enlarged towards the base, there diaphanous; caps. erect, narrow, cylindrical; lid long conico-rostrate, per. teeth linear-lanceolate, fugacious.

Damp shady rocks. E. S. & I. X.