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read:[1] “Thy two sisters, Isis and Nephthys, came to thee, Kam-urt, in thy name of Kam-ur, Uatchet-urt in thy name of Uatch-ur”......“Isis and Nephthys weave magical protection for thee in the city of Saut, for thee their lord, in thy name of ‘Lord of Saut,’ for their god, in thy name of ‘God.’ They praise thee; go not thou far from them in thy name of ‘Tua.’ They present offerings to thee; he not wroth in thy name of ‘Tchentru.’ Thy sister Isis cometh to thee rejoicing in her love for thee.[2] Thou hast union with her, thy seed entereth her. She conceiveth in the form of the star Sepṭet (Sothis). Horus-Sepṭ issueth from thee in the form of Horus, dweller in the star Sepṭet. Thou makest a spirit to be in him in his name ‘Spirit dwelling in the god Tchenṭru.’ He avengeth thee in his name of ‘Horus, the son who avenged his father.’ Hail, Osiris, Ḳeb hath brought to thee Horus, he hath avenged thee, he hath brought to thee the hearts of the gods, Horus hath given thee his Eye, thou hast taken possession of the Urert Crown thereby at the head of the gods. Horus hath presented to thee thy members, he hath collected them completely, there is no disorder in thee. Thoth hath seized thy enemy and hath slain him and those who were with him." The above words are addressed to dead kings in the Pyramid

  1. Tetȧ, line 274; Pepi I., line 27; Mer-en-Rā, line 37; and Pepi II., line 67.
  2. Pyramid Text, Tetȧ, l. 276.