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starves them. He beats them, too awfully. And you'd ought to see the dirty old water trough where he makes them drink. Mother is poor. We can't pay any two dollars to get Fido out. But I come here every day and bring all the meat I can gather up, and feed the poor things. The trouble is, though, there is so many of them in there, and they are so hungry, and poor Fido is so small, he hardly ever gets a nibble. There's a grand, big dog in there looks out for him when he can, and divides a bone with him, but the rough dogs get most of the food."

"Have you tried to get this Stoggs to let you have Fido back?" inquired Frank.

"Yes, but he only abused me, laughed at me, and drove me away. Yesterday he caught me trying to dig that board loose near the boulders. He kicked me, and struck me twice with his club. Wish I had a shovel. It would be safe to dig a bit now. A big balloon went over here a little while ago. I saw Stoggs in his cart driving over to the hill to get a better sight of it."

"H'm," mused Frank. "Quite an interesting situation. I'll take a look inside there, I guess. Hey, hello, why—Christmas!"

Frank, in mingled pleasure and astonishment, fairly shouted out this name. The minute he had