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but I am going to get into business for myself."

The boy heard their guest stirring about up stairs, probably aroused by the window smashing. He reassured Gregson and went to bed himself.

Frank lay awake until nearly midnight thinking over all that Gregson had told him. He went mentally through every phase of the mail order idea that he knew anything about.

When Frank finally fell asleep it was to dream of starting in business for himself. At broad daylight he was In a big factory which his own endeavors had built up. Around him were his busy employes nailing up great boxes of merchandise ordered from all parts of the country.

The sound of the hammers seemed still echoing in his ears as he was aroused by the voice of his mother from her own room.

"Frank! Frank!" she called.

"Yes, mother," he answered, springing out of bed.

"Some one is knocking at the front door."

"Knocking?" repeated Frank, hurrying into his clothes. "That's no knocking, it sounds more like hammering."

Christmas was barking furiously. The hammering had ceased by the time Frank had got down