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"Have you had enough?" demanded Franklin, as he stood over him, his hst still doubled up and his eyes flashing.

"That wasn't fair!" muttered Felter, unable to say anything more. With his face full of passion he rose to feet and put his hand to his forehead, where a blackish lump was rapidly rising.

"It was as fair as your two blows were," retorted Franklin. "It was yourself forced the flght."

"Go for him again, Felter!" shouted Jackson, we'll back you up!"

"Of course we will!" added Mike Nolan. "Don't let a little blow like that worry you!"

"It ain't worrying me!" growled Felter, and once more he sprang forward, resolved to annihilate the young electrician.

Franklin stood his ground and warded off Felter's wild passes as best he could. Then the two clenched and went down in the snow, and on top of them came Jackson and Nolan, who now thought they saw a chance of "squaring accounts."

"Give it to Softy!"

"We don't want no dudes in this shop!"

"Send him home to be put in a glass case!

These and a dozen other things rang out on the cold, snowy air, bringing to the scene a score of workmen from other parts of the works.