Page:Bourinots Rules of Order 1918.djvu/12

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In order that this work may be as comprehensive and as useful as possible to all practical men, the writer has divided it as follows:

1. A statement of the leading rules and principles of parliamentary procedure which lie necessarily at the basis of the proceedings and deliberations of all public assemblies and societies of this country.

2. Next an application of those rules and principles to the proceedings of Public Meetings, Societies, Conventions, Church Conferences and Synods Companies' Meetings and Municipal Councils. Comments are made on the special procedure of the various classes of meetings dealt with in full especially of municipal councils in Ontario-and references are given throughout to the first part of the work in order to make that procedure as intelligible as possible, especially in cases of doubt.

The Index has been made as full as practicable, and a Table of Content., is given at the commencement of each of the Five Parts of the work