Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/114

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legs dangling out behind, and the motor moved up the road slowly. Having no lights on, the burglars couldn't drive rapidly. Once they ran off the side into some bushes, and had to reverse.

They swore, and evidently turned on the minor head lights, for after that the car went faster and kept the road. The dust sucked up into the boys' faces.

"I gotter sneeze," whispered Peanut.

"Quick, tie your handkerchief over your nose and mouth," Art whispered back.

It was a ticklish job letting go both hands to tie on the handkerchiefs, but they managed to do it without falling off, and the sneezes were averted. The sharp edge of the rack hurt their legs. The dust almost choked them, even through their handkerchiefs. But they clung fast, and for fifteen or twenty minutes—it seemed hours—they rode in this uncomfortable position rapidly through the dark. It was very dark indeed, for most of the way was through woods, and they could scarcely see the stars.

Presently the machine stopped. Art yanked off his handkerchief. "They are going to turn it here. Quick, into the bushes when they back up!"

The driver ran the car to the right, on what appeared like a very wide place in the road, and then reversed. As she slowly backed toward the edge, the boys waited till their feet were almost in the