Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/118

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to follow, yelling "Stop!" But they kept on running. Across the clearing from the Profile House came the sounds of running feet, as two watchmen raced to the scene. In the other houses lights came on, heads appeared in windows, the front door of the house where the boys were pounding was thrown open, and two men appeared there in pajamas and dressing gowns. Behind them the boys had a glimpse of frightened women in nightgowns, and servants in night clothes, also.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" the men exclaimed.

"Two burglars—got in your house—side window—they've run down the road to their auto—we punctured the tires——" Peanut gasped out.

"We can catch 'em if we hurry," cried Art.

The watchmen were now on the scene.

"After 'em, then, boys!" they shouted. "Show us the way!"

Two or three other men, half dressed, had now appeared on the scene, the boys never knew from where. They were too excited. Peanut and Art dashed down the path, the rest following, and led the way toward the stalled motor.

"They can't use the car," Peanut panted back over his shoulder. "They'll have to beat it on foot!"

The pursuing party was going rapidly, but Peanut was running faster than the rest. He was now fifty