Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/130

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thief, Jim, at the Profile stables. Then they started once more.

The party now crossed the road, and entered a path through the woods, marked "The Pool." After a short walk through dense woods, they descended rapidly through a break in a cliff wall, for nearly a hundred and fifty feet, and stood beside the strangest little lake they had ever beheld. It was about a hundred and fifty feet across, more or less circular in shape, and surrounded by high cliffs which made it seem like a pond at the bottom of a crater. The water, which was astonishingly clear, came into it at the upper end in the form of a cascade, and escaped not far from the boys through a fissure, or tiny cañon, in the rocks.

"My, I'd like to swim in that! What a place to dive in!" cried Art. "How deep is it?"

"About fifty feet, I believe," said the Scout Master.

"Looks a thousand," said Peanut. "Come on, let's all have one dive."

Rob felt of the water. "One would be about all you'd want," he said. "Besides, we haven't time."

The Scouts left the Pool reluctantly, climbed back up the cliff, and found the path to the Flume. This Flume, they soon discovered, resembled almost exactly the flume on Kinsman, save that the walls were higher and stood farther apart, and it was also