Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/232

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in half an hour. Gee, I'd like to get that bugle and wake 'em up!"

"The owner's using it himself, I should say," whispered Peanut, as the sound of a snore came from the room above. They looked about, but the man had evidently taken his bugle up-stairs with him, so they slipped out through the door to investigate the bobbing lanterns coming up the mountain.

It was cold outside, and still dark, but they could make out dimly the track of the carriage road, and walked down it. The lanterns were drawing nearer, and now they could hear voices. A moment later, and they met the lantern bearers, a party of nearly a dozen men and women.

"Hello, boys! Where did you drop from?" cried the man in the lead, suddenly spying Art and Peanut.

"Where did you come up from?" Peanut replied.

"We walked up from the Glen cottage to see the sunrise," the other replied.

"Oh, dear, I should say we did!" sighed a woman in the party. "If you ever catch me climbing a mountain again in the middle of the night, send me to Matteawan at once."

"Cheer up, Lizzie, we'll have some sandwiches pretty soon," somebody told her.

"Sandwiches for breakfast! Worse and worse!" she sighed. "I don't believe there's going to be any sunrise, either. I don't see any signs of it."