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Walter P. Eaton


SKY-LINE CAMPS. A Notebook of a Wanderer in our Northwestern Mountains. 320 pp. Cloth, boxed, $2.50. A gift book for every home. Mr. Eaton is a great lover of the out-of-doors and in this volume his power of description finds its greatest opportunity. Lovers of nature and those who enjoy beauty truthfully pictured will find in this volume a treasure house of enjoyment. Beautifully illustrated with many and rare photographs. PENGUIN PERSONS AND PEPPERMINTS. A Volume of Essays. By Walter Prichard Eaton, author, critic and playwright. 252 pp. Cloth, $1.50. Fascinating from beginning to end. There are few authors who have greater ability than Mr. Eaton in making his readers feel they are in intimate touch with the very purpose and thought of the writer. This volume will cover every varying mood of the reader. THE IDYL OF TWIN FIRES. New. Illustrated with frontispiece and pen and ink drawings by Thomas Fogarty. Attractively bound and enclosed in a box.


This genuine and human story of a young college professor who heeded the call to country life, will appeal to thousands. Mr. Eaton is here at his best as he writes of the beauties of country living. GREEN TRAILS AND UPLAND PASTURES.

Appreciation of Nature, ranging from Massachusetts to Montana, but chiefly about the Berkshires in their subtle and intimate moods.

Beautifully illustrated by Walter King Stone.

Cloth, boxed, $2.50