Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/43

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"Halt!" Mr. Rogers cried. "Here's Copper Mine Brook."

He led the way through the fence side of the brook, and two minutes later the party stood in a pine grove, carpeted with soft needles.

"Camp!" said the Scout Master. "Art, you and the rest get a fire going. Take Lou's lantern and find some stones. There are plenty right in the bed of the brook—nothing but. Peanut, come with me."

The Scout Master led Peanut out of the grove to the south, and up over a pasture knoll a few hundred feet. At the top of the knoll they saw a white house below them, a big barn, and a cottage. Descending quickly, Mr. Rogers led Peanut through the wood-shed, as if it were his own house, and knocked at the kitchen door.

As the Scout Master and Peanut entered, a man and a little boy arose, the man's face expressing first astonishment and then joyous welcome.

"Well, of all things!" he cried. "Did you drop out of the sky?"

"Mr. Sheldon, this is Bobbie Morrison, otherwise known as Peanut," said Mr. Rogers. "And how is your Bobbie?"

The little fellow came forward from behind his father's leg, and shook hands. But what interested him most was Peanut's sheath hatchet. In two