Page:Boy scouts in the White Mountains; the story of a long hike (IA boyscoutsinwhite00eato).pdf/95

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"What's the matter, Alice?" called her mother.

"She stubbed her toe," Peanut answered, quickly.

"Oh, you nice little liar!" chuckled Alice.

Peanut was beginning to like her!

The strange, underground path grew stranger and stranger. Sometimes they came out into daylight, and saw the sky and the walls of the cañon far above them, sometimes they stood in caves fifteen feet high, sometimes they had to cross the stream on planks, sometimes go up or down ladders. Finally they came to a place where the way was completely blocked, save for a small hole, which didn't look more than two feet across.

Somebody had painted above it, "Fat Man's Agony."

"Don't worry me a bit," said Peanut.

"Quick, let's get through, and watch Mamma come out," cried Alice.

Art and the pink girl had disappeared into the hole already, Art going first. Alice lay down on her stomach and began to wriggle through after them, Peanut following. The guide remained behind to help the rest. The passage was on an incline, leading upward, and it seemed very long. It was certainly very dark. But they emerged presently (the tunnel coming out four feet above the ground, so one had to do quite an acrobatic stunt to gain his feet, if he was coming head foremost), and