Page:Boys of Columbia High on the River.djvu/140

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This brought the morning's sport down to the very last event. The eight-oared race was to be next.

"They keep the best to the last," laughed a happy student, as he watched the door of the boathouse to see the crew come out bearing the precious shell.

"Whoop! there they are. Hurrah for Frank Allen and his crew! They're the boys who can do the trick!"

"So that's the boat that was found on the roof of the new sky-scraper, is it?" asked the newcomer, of Professor Grasier.

"So I understand; but they say it suffered no damage, so those who put it there must have been friends of the club. A fine looking lot of lads they seem to be; and Frank Allen is a particular favorite of mine. I hope he wins his race. It's worth while to have such a fellow standing up for Columbia, rather than boys like that other crowd," replied the choir master, with affection in his voice.

The boat was launched, and the crew took their places. Intense excitement reigned all around. Hundreds awaited the signal that would send the three contestants on their way up the river, headed for Rattail Island.

The last word had been said by Coach Willoughby as the advisor of the crew, and he was now ready