Page:Boys of Columbia High on the River.djvu/144

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Besides this sturdy rower there were seven others, and each one capable of filling the position he occupied. They came in the following order:

"Lanky" Wallace,
Paul Bird,
Jack Comfort,
"Chatz" McGregor,
Launcelot Jones,
Ben Allison,
"Crackers" Smith.

When the turn of the river shut out all view of the race from the great crowds clustered about the home stake, their enthusiasm naturally waned for the time being. They wanted to reserve their wind for the time when the boats would once more shoot into view; and every minute was a tremendous strain to the faithful adherents of the several schools.

Which crew would be leading when once more a glimpse could be had of a shell? It was a question that just then overshadowed in the minds of those boys all national subjects. A Babel of voices attested to the fact that disputes were many, although, as a rule, these were good-natured enough.

But while the shouting near the railroad bridge may have slackened, the ears of the contestants had no rest. All along the road were posted squads of wild lookers-on, who took up the refrain, and madly