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ARE recmomended to Mothers and Nurses, not only as a remedy, but as a preventive in all ⟨cases⟩ of Teething, Measles, Scarlet Fever,Hooping Cough, Small Pox, Convulsions from Worms (illegible text) Teething, Wasting of the Limbs, Jaundice, Fits, Diarrhoea, Chicken Pox, Thrush, &c. The ⟨above⟩ complaints are invariably preceded by a pettishness of temper, accompanied by Costiveness (illegible text) greater or less degree of Fever. To those little ailments attention should be particularly directed for it is in this atage that these Powders will commonly prevent further progress of disorder, by ⟨promoting⟩ healthy secretion of the skin, liver, stomach, and bowels.
Prepared and Sold by WILLIAM H. CQRY, Surgeon-Apothecary, 20, Earl-street, Blackfriars, and may be had of most respectable Medicine Vendors throughout the Kingdom, in packes (illegible text) 1s,1½-d, 2s 9d., 4s: 6d., and in Tin Cases for Exportation, £1 ls., Duty included. Each Packet (illegible text) the Signature of WM. H. C0RY on the Goverment Stamp, without which none are genuine. Orders by Post attended to.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Wheezing, difficulty of Breathing, Honasness, &.c. The Proprietor strongly recommends a single trial of these admirable Pills to persons afflicted with the aforementioned complaints, and is warranted in asserting their effciency from the extensive relief afforded in (illegible text)
number of cases of the above description. A single trial will prove their superior effciency to all other cough medicine. In most cases one single box completes A cure and to meet the circmstances of ⟨all⟩ classes, they are put up in boxes, ls. each, Stamp included, and may be had in town, country or any part of the United Kingdom, (freeof expense), by remitting One Shilling in a letter,post paid to :-
Proprietor. T. Knowles, Chemist, 61, Seymour-street, Euston-square, London. Wholesale Agent; Mr. Edwards, G7. St. Pa1ul's Church-yard.