Page:Brewster's millions (IA brewstersmillion00greaiala).pdf/308

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Rent of one villa 20,000.00
One courier 500.00
Dinner parties 117,900.00
Suppers and luncheons 38,000.00
Theater parties and suppers 6,277.00
Hotel expenses 61,218.59
Railway and steamship fares 31,274.81
For Newsboys' Home 5,000.00
Two opera performances 20,000.00
Repairs to "Flitter" 6,342.60
In tow from somewhere to Southampton 50,000.00
Special train to Florida 1,000.00
Cottage in Florida 5,500.00
Medical attendance 3,100.00
Living expenses in Florida 8,900.00
Misappropriation of personal property by servants 3,580.00
Taxes on personal property 112.25
Sundries 9,105.00
Household expenses 24,805.00

Total disbursements $1,160,040.00
BALANCE ON HAND $0,000,000.00

Respectfully submitted,

Montgomery Brewster.

"It's rather broad, you see, gentlemen, but there are receipts for every dollar, barring some trifling incidentals. He may think I dissipated the fortune, but I defy him or any one else to prove that I have not had my money's worth. To tell you the truth, it has seemed like a hundred million. If any one should tell you that it is an easy matter to waste a million dollars, refer him to me. Last fall I weighed 180 pounds, yesterday I barely