Page:Brief for the United States, Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963).djvu/66

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glance at the calendar for the date—the particular date could be confused, whereas "last Tuesday" was not likely to be confused with a Tuesday 10 or 14 days in the past. Moreover, the confession continues with immediate reference to "Wednesday night, June 3", when Toy phoned Johnny that he didn't “have anything” and was coming out "pretty soon". When he arrived, Johnny gave him—"just out of friendship"—a paper of heroin sufficient for 5 or 6 cigarettes, without any money given or asked. "He has given me heroin like this quite a few tines. I don't remember how many times".

Toy had "known Hom Wei [the original informer] about 2 or 3 years but I have never dealt in narcotics with him. * * * The only connection I have now is Johnny Yee."

2. This confession was corroborated in numerous respects by substantial evidence. As in the case of Wong Sun's confession, when Toy spoke of delivery of heroin at Yee's house he was not spinning a fantasy—the testimony of Agent Nickoloff that Yee had 27 grams of heroin at his house on the morning of June 4, and the presentation of the heroin in court provided firm substantiation for this critical aspect of Toy's story. We recognize that the literal language of Toy's confession does not embody an outright statement that heroin was delivered on the particular Tuesday night. The statement is only that Toy drove Wong Sun to Yee's house on that night, but the phrasing, in its context as the account