- Nasu no Munetaka, famous archer, ii. 131.
- National characteristics. See Civilisation, Customs.
- Navy, naval school organised, iii. 173; Tokugawa, iv. 174; strength and efficiency of modern, v. 13, 250, vi. 224.
- New Year's observances, vi. 34–52, 232; preparation, 123.
- Newspapers, prototypes, iv. 116, v. 84; first, 85; censorship, 86–88; freedom, 88; character of writing, 89; success, 90, 253; slander in, 90.
- Nichiren, founder of a Buddhist sect, v. 149.
- Nijō, noble family, hereditary privileges, iv. 5.
- Nintoku, emperor, libertine, i. 85; capital, 132.
- Nishino Buntaro, assassin of Mori, iv. 234; worshipped, vi. 13–15.
- Nobility, the new, iv. 233, 266; divine ancestry, v. 139. See also Aristocracy, Classes.
- Nobumasa, Okudaira, and Suneyemon, ii. 193.
- Nobunaga, Oda, Tōkaidō chieftain, character, ii. 31; conquests, 33; and Christianity, 33, iii. 110–113; reforms, ii. 34, vi. 157; death, ii. 34, 213; patron of art, 78; immorality, 217, 285; patron of Tea Ceremonial, 254; patron of wrestling, iii. 68, 72; political aim, 109.
- Nobuyuki, Sanada, and his father, ii. 212.
- Nomi no Sukane, wrestler, iii. 66.
- Oath, form of, iv. 78.
- Observances, Shintō Court ceremonials, v. 178–185; New Year's, vi. 34–51, 123; various, of second month, 52; doll's festival, 61–63; washing of Buddha, 63; boy's fête, 71; dispersal of evil influences, 73; marriage of the stars, 73; Bon fête, 74–77, 83; various, of last month, 122–124. See also Festivals.
- Ogura Sansho, philosopher, iv, 129.
- Ogyu Sorai, ethical teachings, iii. 143, iv. 131.
- Oi-no-mikado, noble family, hereditary privileges, iv. 5.
- Ojin, emperor, i. 126.
- Okubo Toshimitsu, Satsuma reformer, iii. 235; leader in the Revolution of 1867, iv. 204; effect of his assassination, 226.
- Okuma Shigenobu, leader in the Revolution of 1867, iv. 204; resigns from ministry, 229; organises Progressist party, 229; ministry, 248.
- O-Kuni, temple dancer, and origin of the theatre, vi. 107.
- Okusa, cooking academy, ii. 111.
- Ono no O-tsu, originates variety of musical recitative, iii. 19.
- Ono Riushihei, book against isolation, iii. 159; punished, 159.
- Onoye Kikugoro, famous actor, vi. 122.
- Ooka Tadasuke, judge, iii. 146.
- Oozutsu Manyemon, champion wrestler, iii. 71.
- Organisation, faculty of, i. 21, 50, vi. 192.