- Hanzan (1743-1790), pupil of Haritsu (Ogawa Ritsuō). Worked in Yedo and adopted the style of his master.
- Yōsei; a contemporary of Hanzan, and a follower of Ritsuō's style.
- Chōhei (first part of nineteenth century). School of Ritsuō. Worked in Yedo.
- Kakōsai, pupil of Izuka Tōyō.
- Shōkwasai, a fellow-worker with Shibayama Doshō in Yedo.
- Shibayama Doshō (second half of eighteenth century). Worked in Yedo and is celebrated for his success in introducing ivory into the decoration of lacquered objects.
- Jōkasai (first part of nineteenth century); worked in Yedo.
- Shirayama Shōya (still living).
- Kawanobe Itcho (still living).
- Uyematsu Hōmin (still living).