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Description of No. 9

This photograph shows the Photographer (F. W. Thiel) in the front seat of the aeroplane with his camera (which was specially fitted up for the purpose) ready for the flight. In the rear seat is Flight Commander F. R. Smith, M.C., D.F.C. Starting from Lytton the 'plane ascended to a height of nearly 2,000 feet, and made for the city, which was reached in about five minutes. While circling over the city, operations were commenced. To obtain the photographs the Photographer (F. W. Thiel) had to practically stand up in the machine, while at the same time, Captain Smith, with splendid judgment, banked the machine almost on to its side. During the flight eight plates were exposed, and the 'plane was headed back for Lytton, where it arrived 40 minutes after its departure.

Extract from the "Brisbane Courier" of September 17th, 1919 :—

"When the plates were developed it was found that 100 per
cent. success had been achieved—eight excellent negatives
being obtained."