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Plate XIX. Facing page 48
Mountain Geranium—Geranium pyrenaicum (page 47)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flower (natural size)
3. Calyx
4. Sepals with scent-gland
5. The 10 stamens; the 5 upper ones have already shed their pollen
6. Pistil
7. Seed capsule enclosed in calyx
8. Achene with appendage
9. Seed (enlarged)
Plate XX. Facing page 48
Procumbent Oxalis—Oxalis corniculata (page 49)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flower (natural size)
3. Calyx
4. Stamens
5. Pistil
6. Seed capsule
7 and 8. Seeds enclosed in a transparent membranous covering
9. Seeds stripped of their covering
Plate XXI. Facing page 50
Flax—Linum usitatissimum (page 50)
Fig. 1. Plant (reduced)
2. Flower (upper-surface—natural size)
3. Flower (under-surface)
4. Calyx
5. Pistil and stamens in natural position
6. Stamens spread out
7. Stamen from an unopened flower
8. Pistil
9. Unripe capsule
11. Section of ripe capsule
10 and 12. Seeds
Plate XXII. Facing page 50
Sindle Tree—Euonymus europaus (page 51)
Fig. 1. Flowering branch (reduced)
2. Flower (upper-surface)
3. Flower (lower-surface—enlarged)
4 and 5. Calyx
6. Pistil and disc with 4 nectaries
7. Style
8. Stamen