Page:British Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fresh-water Fishes.djvu/91

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  1. Torgoch, or Welsh Char (Salvelinus perisii), (Various Lakes in North Wales.)
  2. Haddy, or Killin Char (S. killinensis). (Loch Killin, Inverness-shire.)
  3. Shetland Char (S. gracillimus). (Loch Girlsta, near Lerwick, Shetland Isles.)
  4. Gray's Char (S. grayi), (Lough Melvin, Fermanagh, Ireland.)

Lydekker says that "in the spawning-season the upper parts of this fish are brownish-green, and the sides lighter; the under surface passing through all shades of orange to vermilion, from the throat to the pelvic fins, where the colour attains its greatest intensity. The sides are ornamented with rounded spots varying from white to red in colour; the dorsal fin has dark markings, and the pectoral and pelvic fins are brilliant red." The form described is said to attain a length of 8 or 9 inches, but the ones found in Northern waters are much larger.

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Grayling.Thymallus thymallus (Fig. 38). The Grayling is of local distribution in England and Wales. It does not occur in Ireland, and has only been introduced