Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/403

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territory, in preference, when quality and price are the same, to those produced abroad, and wholesale sales for domestic consumption, of articles manufactured under those Patents, cannot be made by the producer, in any case, at a price greater than 10 per cent. as a maximum over the average price for domestic consumption in the half month prior to the sale, in quotations in the New York market, for articles of the same kind, plus ordinary expenses up to their delivery f.o.b. in the port of Havana.

5. The present Patent and Trade-Mark Law, contained in Decree-Law No. 805, of April 4, 1936, shall supplementarily govern with respect to what is not especially specified in the foregoing transitory provisions.


Congress shall enact the organic laws and laws complementary to this Constitution, within a period of 3 sessions, except when this Constitution fixes some other period.


This Constitution shall be effective in its entirety on October 10, 1940.

And in fulfilment of the resolution passed by the Constitutional Convention at a session held on April 26, 1940, and in homage to the memory of the illustrious patriots who signed the Constitution of the Republic in arms at this town on April 10, 1869, we sign the present Constitution at Guáimaro, Camagüey, on July 1, 1940.


Chairman of the Constitutional Convention.

[Here follow the Signatures of the Representatives]

DECREE establishing a State Council in Czechoslovakia.—Prague, July 21, 1940[1]


Constitutional decree of the President of the Republic of July 21st, 1940, regarding the establishment of the State Council as the consultative body of the provisional administration of the Czechoslovak Republic.

  1. Czechoslovak Official Bulletin. Decree No. 1.