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Her breaſt is like a ſwallow on the water a playing,
Sure no mortal on earth's like my Peggy O'laven.

When first I Beheld this dear angel ſo bright,
She appear'd like Aurora ſhe dazzl'd my ſight;
Her ſkin is ſo fair and her meaning fo pleaſing,
I would chooſe for my valentine ſweet Peggy O'laven.

My Peggy ſhe is fair, ſhe is charming and young,
And if ſhe don't love me I'm ſurely undone,
Let me rove where I will I can find no ſuch maiden,
She is the prime of all ſwains my Peggy O'laven.

Had I but my Peggy I would aſk for no more,
She's a far greater treaſure than the rich India ſhore,
Her ſmiles ſo inviting ſhe's got me ſo enſlaven,
I ſhall ſure a martyr die for ſweet Peggy O'laven.



THo' Baucis and I are both ancient and poor,
We never yet drove the diſtreſt from our door,
But ſtill of our little, a little can ſpare,
To thoſe who like us life's infirmities bear.

Come, come my good friends, let us go in together,
A cup of good liquor will keep out the weather,
Our hearts they are great, tho' our means are but ſmall,
You're heartily welcome, and that's beſt of all

You're welcome at our humble board to partake,
Of a jug of good ale, and a good barley cake,
A good rouzing fire as high as your noſe,
A cleanly warm bed your old limbs to repoſe.

We know no ambition, we have no eſtate,
No porter to wory the poor from our gate:
We earn what we ſpend, and we pay as we go,
It were not amiſs if the rich would do ſo.