Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/129

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The Missisagua of Rice Lake Village, Otonabee; and of Mud and Balsam Lakes. The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.

The following petition from the Missisagua of Rice Lake, shows the spirit in which the Indians acted:

"To Samuel P. Jarvis, Esquire, Chief Superin- tendent of Indian Affairs.

" Father :

" We have heard of the wicked attempt to destroy the Monument of our old Chief, Sir Isaac Brock; and are also informed of the intention of the White Man to rebuild it.

" Father :

" We respect the memory of the brave, and are sorry to find that there are any who do not.

" Some of us fought on the same field on which the gallant general fell. We then felt the same sorrow in our hearts that our loyal brothers in arms, the White Men, felt, and we still unite with them in the deepest regret at our common loss. These feelings urge us readily to contribute our share to the expense of re-building that Monument which was designed to perpetuate the fame of such noble deeds.

" Father :

" We, who are thus ready to assist in the present exigency, will never be backward in testifying our loyal principles by still more substantial proofs, whenever our Great Mother, the Queen, shall lay her commands upon us. We will never refuse to hear her words. Our Great Fathers, her Royal pre- decessors, have been very kind to her people. We are not unthankful. We do not wish to be idle ; but whenever we may be called upon to defend the honour and rights of the British Crown, we will most heartily strain every nerve, and do all the service in our power.

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