Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/24

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opportunity to array still larger forces against Brock. Artillery and itorei wen- brought up from Oswego; thousands of additional troopi had been hurried forward i«» the enemy; mowi and boati were built for the pnrpote <>f crossing the Niagara. "Major-General Stephen Van Rensselaer/' iaji Colonel Ernest Cruikshank, the careful historian <»f the war, " who held chief »-«hutu:ih«1 by virtue of his rank as major-genera] <>f tin- New York state troops, was an entire novice in all military affairs,

ami COnld scarcely even be termed an amateur soldier. The last patTOOD of the iiiaimr of Ketis-

selaer-Wyck ami the Leading Federalist in the state, ins appointment was a sharp stroke of partg tactics on the pari of the Governor, wiio discovered m him a prospective ami dangeroDJ opponent The

recent congressional elections had seemed to imli-

cate that the Federalists had regained the confi- dence of the people of New Fork, and most of their

leaden were uncompromising in their hostility tt» the war. it Van Rensselaer accepted the command his immediate following would be committed to Its prosecution; if he refused his conduct could be denounced as unpatriotic. •• Stephen was an amiable and benevolent, but

rather dull man of ahout fifty years of age. On all strictly military BUDJeCtS he was compelled to

rely apon the advice of his adjutant general and

cousin, Colonel Solomon Van Rensselaer, who had been bred a soldier, had served in the United states

army for ten years, and had held his present

appointment for as many more. He had been w«»unded in Wayne's campaign against the [ndians, ami possessed the reputation of being a brave ami skilful officer." Tic .1, ;■ win. comes op the Niagara

River will see just after he leaves the wharf of

Niagara ou-the-Lake the far-extending green bai

tions "f Port George, a hundred years a_ r .» there so barn there which a thrifty Government later

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