Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/39

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��The General Committee met on October 2nd, 1912, Colonel Ryerson presiding. The reports of the special committees regarding the arrangements were very satisfactory, and it was made abund- antly clear that the proposed celebration had touched a tender chord of public feeling. Travel- ling arrangements by train to Niagara Falls and by electric car thence to Queenston Heights were approved of. The co-operation of the Women's Institute, Queenston, was promised in connection with the decoration of the grounds there; the Ontario Government consented to police the grounds, and the Victoria Park Commission to reopen the restaurant at the Heights for the day. It was agreed to advise the hotels at Niagara Falls, Ont., that luncheon would be taken at that town on arrival of the train, and to arrange with the electric railway for the conveyance of the visitors to the Monument. The publicity so generously afforded by the press was gratefully acknowledged. A letter from Mr. J. A. Macdonell, K.C., Alex- andria, accepting the Committee's invitation, was read; and a motion by Mr. F. D. L. Smith that a bronze tablet to mark the centenary celebration be placed on Brock's Monument was deferred for consideration at the next meeting to be held on the week following.

At the meeting of the General Committee held on October 9th in the Canadian Foresters' Hall, Toronto, Colonel Ryerson presiding, the following report of the Executive Committee was received and adopted: —

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