Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/53

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ter) ; Chief J. C. Martin, Speaker; Chief J. S. Johnson (Ka-nen-kwe-yah), Deputy Speaker; Chief J. W. M. Elliott (Mohawk); Chief A. G. Smith ( De-ka-nen-ra-neh, Bear Clan, Mohawk); Chief Elias Lewis (De-ka-ri-ho-gen, Turtle Clan, Mohawk) ; Chief Abraham Lewis (Ah-yon-wah-ehs, Turtle Clan, Mohawk) ; Chief John A. Gibson (Seneca); Chief Peter Isaac (Mudturtle Clan, Seneca); Chief Alexander Hill ( Ot-go-taw-yen- toun, Deer Clan, Onondaga), Fire Keeper; Chief Lawrence Jonathan ( Sha-ko-ken-he, Eel Clan, Onondaga), Fire Keeper; Chief David Jamieson (Cayuga) ; Chief Jacob Isaac (Hon-wa-sha-de-hon, Oneida) ; Chief Joseph Powless ( Ha-dya-dho-nen- ta, Wolf Clan, Oneida) ; Chief Richard Hill (Ra- rih-whi-tyen-tah, Wolf Clan, Tuscarora) ; Chief Elias Carrier (Tuscarora) ; Warrior Frederick O. Loft and Mr. Allen W. Johnson, Toronto, Dele- gates to Brock Centenary Committee) ; Chief Isaiah Sickles (Da-Da-hon-den-wen, Bear Clan, Oneida) ; Warrior George Aaron; Daniel McNugh- ton (Ha-don-da-he-ha) ; Dennis Palmerston (Tus- carora, American Indian).

Canadian Club, Toronto : Mr. James M. Sinclair, Mr. W. J. Clarke, G. Frank Beer, P. H. Jennings, J. R. Collins.

Empire Club, Toronto: Mr. Fred B. Fetherston- haugh, K.C., President; Mr. Richard A. Stapells, First Vice-President.

British Empire League, Toronto Branch : James P. Murray.

Sons of Scotland, Toronto: Dr. John Ferguson, Mr. Evan Hugh Fraser, representing Camp Alex- ander Fraser, S.O.S., Toronto.

St. Andrew's Society, Toronto : Captain Herbert M. Mowat, K.C., U.E.L., Vice-President ; Mr. James Murray, Manager; Mr. T. C. Irving, Manager; Mr. J. P. Martin, Robert Farquharson.

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