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- "Cream" the butter in the mixing-bowl, and stir in the sugar.
- Beat the egg, add it to the butter and sugar, and mix.
- Stir the soda into the cream, and add this to the butter, sugar, and egg, mixing well.
- Sift the flour, baking-powder, salt, and nutmeg together, and add a little at a time to the mixture in the bowl, stirring all together well.
- Sprinkle flour over the bread-board and rolling-pin, and place about a third of the dough on the board.
- Toss the dough about on the board until it is coated with flour, then roll it out into a sheet about ¼ inch thick.
- Dip the cookie-cutter in flour and cut the dough, putting the circles of dough into the baking-pans as they are cut.
- Take another third of the dough from the mixing-bowl, roll this out, and cut in the same way.
- When all the dough has been rolled out and cut, the scraps should be gathered together, worked into a ball, rolled out, and cut.
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