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- Scald the milk in a double-boiler.
- Measure the bread crumbs and salt into a mixing-bowl, add the milk to them, mix, and let stand thirty minutes.
- Measure the lukewarm water into a small bowl, add the yeast to it, and with a spoon stir and rub the yeast until it is dissolved.
- Pour the liquid yeast into the milk and bread crumbs, mix, and add the buckwheat flour. Beat well, and let the mixture stand overnight, covering the bowl with a clean towel.
- In the morning add the molasses, and stir well.
- Cook on a griddle or frying-pan as directed in the preceding recipe for Wheat Cakes.
Follow the same general directions as given for Wheat Cakes (page 142), but use only ½ cup of flour, and add ½ cup of corn-meal.
[ 143 ]