- Soak the fish overnight in cold water.
- Boil and mash the potatoes in accordance with directions on pages 66 and 68.
- Remove all skin and bones from the fish, and shred it with two forks.
- Put the shredded fish into a saucepan of boiling water, reduce the heat, and let simmer gently for ten minutes.
- Remove the saucepan from the fire, pour the contents through a strainer, and with a spoon press out all the water from the fish.
- Measure the fish in a cup, and add it to twice as much mashed potato as there is fish.
- Beat the egg and add it with the salt to the fish and potato, mixing the whole thoroughly.
- Sprinkle flour on the bread-board, and put the mixture a spoonful at a time on the board, rolling or moulding each spoonful into a ball.
- Fry the balls in plenty of hot fat m a frying-pan.
- When the balls are browned, lift them from the fat with a perforated spoon, and place them on soft crumpled paper in the colander.
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