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- Reduce the heat, cover the saucepan, and simmer for half an hour.
Baking-Powder Biscuit (page 134) may be split in two and arranged around the chicken on the serving platter, and the gravy poured over all. Or, the uncooked biscuit dough may be put by the tablespoonful into the saucepan with the chicken for the last half-hour of cooking, and then served on the same platter.
- Prepare a Chicken Fricassee as directed in the previous recipe.
- Place a small cup, bottom side up, in the centre of a baking-dish, and arrange the pieces of chicken in the dish around this cup.
- Pour enough of the gravy into the baking-dish so that it is nearly full, and then allow the whole to cool.
- Prepare Plain Pastry dough (page 85), roll the dough out into one thick sheet, and make several short cuts through the centre of the sheet with a sharp knife.
- Fit the dough over the top of the baking-dish, and trim off the dough that projects beyond the edges of the dish.
- Bake in a moderate oven about thirty minutes, or until the crust is delicately browned.
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