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Page 352

Further Activities

Between the issuance of this report and its consideration by the UN General Assembly during its 42nd Session in the fall of 1987, the Commission will be meeting during a series of regional presentational meetings with senior governmental representatives, the business and scientific communities. non-governmental organizations, and the press to discuss this report and, it is hoped. to build a body of public and governmental support for the recommendations and conclusions.

There are no plans for the Commission to continue after its report has been considered by the General Assembly. and it will officially cease its operations on 31 December 1987.


Since its creation in late 1983, the Commission as received advice and support from thousands of individuals, institutes, and organizations the world over. many of whom are listed here. Many laboured long hours in preparing submissions for the Public Hearings, reports for the Advisory Panels, and studies for submission to the Commission. Without their dedication, cooperation, and advice as well as that of the Special Advisors and the chairmen and members n the Advisory Panels and Legal Expert Group, this report would not have been possible. The Commission's sincerest appreciation is extended to them all. (Affiliations and title are as of the date of communication with the Commission. Verification of all the following names and titles was not possible, and the Commission apologizes for any inaccuracies.)

Thomas Aarnio, Ministry of the Environment, Finland;
Amiz Ab'Saber, University of 5so Paulo, Brazil:
Muchtar Abas, Indonesia
A.H. Abbott, Deputy Minister, Department of the Environment, Nova Scotia, Canada:
Krisno Abinto, WALUBI, Indonesia:
Tatjana Adamova, USSR State Committee for Science and Technology, USSR;
Kath Adams, Earthscan, United Kingdom;
Patricia Adams, Director, Third World Research, Energy Probe, Canada;
Adebayo Adedeji, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia;
George Adicondro, Director, Irish Jays Rural Development Foundation, Indonesia;
Erwin Adriawan. Biological Science Club, Indonesia;
Anil Agarwal, Centre for Science and Environment. India;
Agriculture Canada, Government of Canada;
Maria Aguri YoshioXa. Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB). Brazil;
Robert Aiken, Ambio, Sweden:
Shukhrat Akhundzhanovo, USSR Academy for Foreign Trade, USSR;
Tutty Alawiyah. Universitas Islam As. Syafi, Indonesia;
