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Paul Brown, Professor, School of Public Administration, Dalhousie University, Canada;
Geoffrey Bruce, Vice-President, Canadian International Development Agency, Canada;
Louis Bruyere, President, Native Council of Canada, Canada;
Alexander Bryce, Consellor, Canadian Mission, Geneva, Switzerland;
P.V.R. Bubrahmanyam, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, India;
Tubagus Budi, Angkatan Bersenjata, Indonesia;
David Bull, Executive Director, Environment Liaison Centre, Kenya;
Mubert Bunce, Reid, Collins and Associates Limited, Canada;
Hayden Burges, World Council of Indigenous Peoples, Canada;
M. Burhah, FISIP UI, Indonesia;
Francoise Burhenne, IUCN Eivironmental Law Centre, Fedural Republic of Germany;
Ian Burton, Director, IFIAS, Canada;
Butantan Museum Institute, Brazil;
John G. Butt, Minister of Environment, Newfoundland, Canada.

Canadian University Service Overseas, Canada;
Andrea Sandro Calabi, President, Social and Economic Planning Institute of the Planning Ministry of Brazil;
Vincent Cable, Aide to Commissioner Ramphal, United Kingdom;
Charles Caccia, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada;
Canadian Chemical Producers' Association (CCPA), Canada;
Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Canada;
Canadian Nuclear Association, Canada;
Canadian Wildlife Federation, Canada;
Onelia Cardettini, France;
Cloe Cardoso Pinto, Chairman, Cloe-Misael Foundation, Brazil;
Carlton University students, Canada;
Shirley Cart, Canadian Labour Congress/National Survival Institute, Canada;
Jacques Cartiere, Chief, Translation Bureau, Quebec, Canada;
Jenny Carter, World Hunger, Canada;
Celia G. Castello, Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB), Brazil;
Margaret Catley-Carlson, President, Canadian International Development Agency, Canada;
Cherga de Jesus Cavalcanti Vasques, Movement in the Defense of Life, Brazil;
Magda Cawley, Office of the Regional Director General, Pacific and Yukon Region, Canada;
Carlos Celsa, Companhia de Tecnologia de Sdneamento Ambiental CETESB), Brazil;
Flola Maria Cerqueira Ribeira de Souza, Center of Environmental Resources of the State of Bahia, Brazil;
Michael Chadwick, Beijer Institute, Sweden;
B. Chakalall, Caribbean Conservation Association, Barbados;
Chen Changdu, Professor. University of Beijing, China;
John G. Charbonneau, Advisor, International Programme Branch, Intergovernmental Affairs Directorate, Canada;
P. Chauraya, Zimbabwe;
E.N. Chidumayo, Conservator of Natural Resources, Zambia;
L. Chikwavaire, Project Officer, Zimbabwe Women's Bureau, Zimbabwe;
Victoria Chiepo, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Zimbabwe;
