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Page 361

Nay Htun, Director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, Thailand;
Donald Huisingh, North Carolina State University, USA;
Eric Hulten, Norsk Rad, Sweden;
Michael Humphriss, Chairman, Islands Trust. The Wilderness Advisory Committee, Canada;
George Hyfantis, Advanced Waste Management Systems, Inc., USA:
Erik Hyrhaug. New Thinking, Norway;
Thomas Hysing, Norwave, Norway.
M. Ibrahim, Badan Litbank DepTan, Indonesia;
Eva Ikonen, The Academy of Finland, Finland;
Toshiyuki Inamura, Minister of State, Director of the Environment Agency, Japan;
Indigenous Survival International, Canada;
Rhoda Inuksu, President, Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, Canada;
Uzuki Isomura, Visitors Receiving Section, International Department, International Hospitality and Conference Association, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan;
Institute for Environmental Protection and Control in Mato Grosso do Sul (INAIB), Bazil;
International Chamber of Commerce, France;
International Council of Scientific Unions, France;
International Development Research Centre, Canada;
International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study, Canada;
International Union of Geological Sciences, Canada;
Colin Isaacs, Pollution Probe Foundation, Canada;
N. Islam, Assistant Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization or the United Nations, Italy;
I.D. Ivanov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, USSR;
Y.A. Izrael, Chairman, State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Control of the Environaent. USSR.

J. Jakobsche, Advisor to the Chairman of the Planning Coramission. Council of Ministers, Poland;
Neil Jamieson, East West Centre, Hawai;
Bhupenda Jasani, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Sweden;
R.D. Jenny, Indonesia;
Gregory Jells, Canada;
Hira Jhamtani, Biological Science Club, Indonesia;
Svein Steve Jobansan, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway;
Jan Johansen, Statens Forurensningstilsyn, Norway;
Thomas Johanson, University of Lund, Sweden;
All Johnels, Naturhistoriska Rlksmuseet, Sweden;
P.M. Johnson, chairman Advisory Committee and Trustee, The Elsa Animal Appeal, Kenya;
Down Jones, Foreign Services Community Association, Ottawa, Canada;
Karen Jorgensen, Ministry of the Environment, Norway;
Irwan Julianto, KOMPAS, Indonesia;
Calestous Jura, Science and Policy Research Unit (SPRU), Sussex
University, United Kingdom;
Moch. Jusuf, Antara, Indonesia.
