Page:Bruton parish church restored and its historic environments (1907 V2).djvu/127

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To the Glory of God and in memory of the Attorneys General of Colonial Virginia

Worshippers in this church

Benjamin Harrison 1702-1704
Stephens Thomson 1704-1714
John Clayton 1714-1736
Edward Barradall 1737-1743
William Bowden 1743-1748
Peyton Randolph 1748-1766
John Randolph 1766-1776

Cast Bronze Tablet 15 × 12 in.

Mural Tablets in the Transepts

To The Glory of God and in Memory of the Members of the House of Burgesses

who, while representing the people of Virginia, worshipped in this part of Bruton Parish Church, built by order of the House in 1713, and provided with pews for the Governor, His Council, and the Members of the

House of Burgesses.

With grateful devotion, Virginia here recalls the memory of the life and service of that noble band of Patriots who consecrated themselves to the defense and preservation of the inalienable rights and charter liberties of the English colony in Virginia. The offspring of the Church, and the heirs of her teaching, these statesmen and warriors came here to find clearer vision and nobler courage, and to invoke upon their cause the blessing of their God and the God of their fathers.

As the Church at Jamestown ministered to the men who first established English civilization in America, so Bruton ministered to those who, through the State Constitution, and the Declaration of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence, by Congress, helped to establish upon a