Page:Bruton parish church restored and its historic environments (1907 V2).djvu/39

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where Washington and his bride resided a short time after his marriage to Mrs. Custis.

Carter's Grove

Five miles from Williamsburg, on the James River, is the home built by "King Carter" for his daughter, who married Nathaniel Burwell. This is one of the most stately and beautiful homes on the James. During the Revolution, Tarleton and his Cavalry Officers were quartered there, and they left upon the banisters in the hall the deep slashes of their sabres.

The Spirit of the Past

Intangible, but real; invisible, but ever present, the spirit of the days of long ago haunts and hallows the ancient city and the homes of its honored dead; a spirit that stirs the memory and fires the imagination; a spirit that will, we trust, illumine the judgment of those who have entered upon this rich inheritance of the past and lead them to guard these ancient landmarks and resist the spirit of ruthless innovation which threatens to rob the city of its unique distinction and its charm.


Yorktown, with its many associations with the Revolution, and its interesting memorials of the past, is fourteen miles from Williamsburg, from which point it is generally reached by visitors.