Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/70

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In 1808 he returned to Ins own city, where he taught in tlie Drawing School. His paintings in has relief are to be seen in the museums of Tournai, Antwerp, Montargis, MontpeHier, Montauban, Lille, and Toulouse. He imitated marbles and ancient terra-cottas with great success, and painted por- celain in enamel. Van Spaendonck occasionally added flowers in his pictures. He died at Tournai in 1818.

SADVAGEOT, Charles Theodore, painter, born in Paris in 1826, was a pupil of Isabey. He ex- hibited landscape views of French scenery at the Salon from 1863 onwards, and died at Fontainebleau in 1883.

SAUVAGEOT, Denis Francois, painter, born in Paris in 1793, was a pupil of C. iSourgeois. He painted landscapes and interiors, and was an occa- sional exhibitor at the Salon from 1822 to 1831.

SAUVAGEOT, DfciR^E Charlotte (nee Gal- liot), born in Paris in 1800, was a pupil of Bouchet. From 1819 to 1848 she exhibited portraits and genre pictures.

SAUVAI6NE, Lotus Paul, a French marine painter, and pupil of Corot and Daubigny, was born at Lille in 1827. He exhibited at the Salon from 1870 onwards, practising chiefly at Lille. He died at Trouville in 1885.

SAUVAN, Philippe, painter and engraver, born at Aries in 1695, studied under Parocel and in Italy. He painted several altar-pieces in Aries Aix, and Avignon ; also portraits. His son Pierbb and his daughter Gabrielle also painted. He died at Avignon in 1789. There are examples of his work in the Museum of Avignon.

SADVfi, Jean, a French engraver of little note, who, according to Basan, flourished about the end of the 17th century. He engraved after Guido, P. da Cortona, &c., also some portraits.

SAUVE, Jean Jacques Theodore, a French en- graver and litliographer, was born in Paris in 1792. He was a pupil of David, and has left some litho- graphs after heads by Raphael in the Vatican frescoes. He died in 1869.

SAVAGE, John, an English engraver, who re- sided in the Old Bailey about 1680. He engraved the portraits of many convicted malefactors, also those of some who fell in a better cause, as Walpole puts it. Among his portraits we may name those of:

William III. and Qut-en Mary Bishop liatimer. John Alasco. AJgeruon Sidney. Archibald Campbell, Earl of Argyle. Henry Cornish, SlieritT of London. Sir Edmundbury Godfrey. John Gadbury, Astrologer. James Fitzruy, Duke of Monmouth. Sir Thomas Armstrong. Sir Henry Ohauncey, Antiquary. Chief Justice Sir Henry PoUexfen. Arthur, Earl of Torriugton. Charles Leigh, M.D.

He also engraved some of the plates for Tempest's 'Cries of London,' and Evelyn s 'Numismata.'

SAVAGE, William, painter and engraver, was born about 1785. He studied in the Academy Schools, and published ' Practical Hints on Decor- ative Painting, with Illustrations engraved on wood and printed in colours by the type press.' London, 1822.

SAVALO, , a skilful illuminator of the 12th century, practising at Arras about 1180. In the Library at Valenciennes there is a Gospel finely illuminated by him.

SAVART, Pierre, French engraver, born in Paris in 1750. He produced several plates in the neat, iinished style of Ficquet ; among them the following portraits of illustrious Frenchmen : hauls XIV.; after Kigaud. 1771.

Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Cond^ ; after Le Juste. 1776. Jean Baptiste Colbert ; after P. tie Champagne, 1773. J. B. La Bruyere ; a/ttr <St. Jean. 1778. Pierre Bayle ; after the same. 1774. Jean Eacine ; after ^Santerre. 1772. Nicholas Boileau Despreau.^ ; after liigaud ; an oval, 1769. Raheas after Sarraheit. 17(37. Cardinal Kichelieu ; after P. de Champagne. Nicholas de Gatiuat, Marcchal de France. Comte de Buffon ; after Drouais. 1776. Bossuet ; after liigaud. 1773. D'Alembert; after Catherine Lusuiier. 1780. Montesquieu. 1779.

SAVARY, AUGUSTE, painter, born at Nantes in 1799, a pupil of Boissier. He exhibited many French landscapes at the Salon from 1824 to 1859.

SAVERY, Jakob, the elder, born at Courtrai, practised at Amsterdam about 1550. He was the father of Jakob Savery the younger, and the master of Willem van Nieulant. He excelled in painting animals, birds, and fishes.

SWERY, Jakob, the younger, p.iinter, was horn at Courtrai about the year 1545, and was a disciple of Hans Bol. He painted landscapes and animals, which he finished with great labour and patience, though in a hard, dry style. He died of the plague at in 1602. At the Hague there is a ' Kermesse of St. Sebastian ' by him.

SAVERY, Jan, a Flemish painter and engraver, born at Courtrai in 1597. According to Huber, he was the nephew of Roelandt Savery, and was probably his scholar, as he painted landscapes in a similar style. He died in 1655. We have several etchings by this artist, from his own designs, among which are the following:

A set of six mountainous Landscapes, with figures, in- scribed J. Savery^ fee. Nic. de Clerc. exc. A Landscape, with a Stag-hunt ; J. Savery, fee. H. Hondius. A Landscape, with Samson killing a Lion ; J. C. T'isscher^ exc.

SAVERY, Roelandt, the son of Jakob Sarery the elder, was born at Courtrai in 1576, and instructed by his brother, Jakob the younger. It has been sup- posed that he was afterwards a discljile of Paul Brill ; but this cannot be reconciled with chronology, as that artist had left Flanders for Italy, where he passed the remainder of his life, before Savery was of an age to profit by his instruction. The resemblance of his style to that of Brill is not more apparent than to that of Brueghel, and other Flemislj landscape painiers of the time. Savery visited France in the reign of Henry IV., by whom he was emploj'ed in the royal palaces. Soon after his return to the Low Countries, he was invited to the court of Prague, by Rudolph II., in whose service he passed a great part of his life. By the direction of the Emperor he travelled through the Tyrol, where the scenery was entirely to his taste. The studies he made there were of great use in his later works. After the death of the Emperor, he settled at Utreclit, and died there in 16.39. Works :

Amsterdam. R. Museum. Orpheus. „ ,. Landscape with Hunt.

Dresden. Oallery. Hunting » Roar