Page:Buckingham wonder, or, The maiden's trance (2).pdf/8

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There was found in her trunk a large piece of parchment whereon was written with her own hand, the following pious verſes:


GOOD people all both great and ſmall,
Pray mind what I do write,
God's Providence doth recompence
His child both day and night.

Let me adviſe pray tell no lies,
And ſerve God in your youth,
As I have done and you will ſoon
Obtain to heavenly truth.

Baſe luſts forbear and do not ſwear,
But lead a life moſt pure :
Each night and day be ſure you pray,
And make your ſoul ſecure.

Your parents love, then God above
Will bleſs you all for it;
But if you ſhould grow rude and bold,
Your days will be but ſhort.

For pomp and pride, lay thoſe aſide,
They are the devil's tools.
His traps and ſnares, which he prepares,
To catch unwary fools,

Life's but a ſpan no mortal can
Enlarge his earthly date;
Then pray be wiſe, ſtrive for the prize
Of a future happy ſtate.