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wretchedly cold in the night, the Laird called to Donald to know how he was accommodated, "ne'er sae weel a' my life," quoth the gilly. "Ha, mon," exclaimed the Laird, "if it was na for the honour of the thing, I could find in my heart to come down."

How to read a Sign-board.

A Highland Drover passing through a certain town, noticed a Sign-board above an entry, with the following inscription :

Green Teas, Raw Sugars, Marmalades, Jellies,
Capped Biscuits, and all sorts of
Confectionary Goods
sold down this entry.
read it as follows:
Green Trees, Raw Sodgers, Mermaids, Jades,
Scabbed Bitches, and all sorts of
Confusionary Goods,
sold down this entry.

How to Escape Robbery.

A person extremely hard of hearing, travelling between Paisley and Greenock on horseback, some time since, had occasion to come off his horse, when the reins slipped from among his fingers; the horse finding himself at liberty immediately ran off. The deaf man quickly followed, determined to enquire at all he met if they had seen his horse: the night was very dark; however, he had not gone far till he met with two men, whom he accosted with, "did you see a horse without a rider?" when he was immediately collared, he thought in diversion; says he "that's no a way to